Sunday, January 29, 2012

Getting back to blogging!

Well Hello 2012! I'm a little late in welcoming the new year in the blogging world, but hey! Better late than never right!? So here I am. Blogging. There is much to catch you up on!

Since the end of October.. when I last blogged/caught up/wrote/whatever you want to call it, life has been non stop busy! But for the most part we have been enjoying it. Life with a job, new puppy, and school is definately a BIG change from going from 2 years of just being at home..doing nothing, to work, work, WORK! I am so, so grateful for it though. It's helping me become a stronger and more well rounded person. I'm almost kind of relearning/remembering that I CAN do more things then cook and clean. I can socialize..and I can count money. The reason I mention those things, is because I was terrified when I got my new job and got trained. I didn't think I could do it, I almost felt like I had become to dumb and useless to do anything anymore. But 3 months and I'm still going strong! YAY!

Work for me is going so well! The rush at Christmas wasn't as overwhelming as I thought it would be, in fact after the new year came in I was a little disappointed in how SLOW things were, the days lasted F0R-EV-ER. But things are picking back up again. Hours also got cut back just a little bit, but not by too much. I also now work in the cosmetics department of the store, I got trained in there so now I switch between doing cash, and cosmetics. And I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I had my first full 8 hour shifts by myself on Friday and Saturday, and not to sound conceited but I was quite pleased with myself and how much I was able to actually do! There are always sooo many tasks that need to be completed over there, as well as helping the customers that have any questions for you. And honestly I was quite overwhelmed and nervous for it all, but it went so well and I am very excited to continue working there!

Blake's school is going well! His schedule is a lot busier it seems like this semester, just because of the times that they're out, but its still only about 4 classes. School is still school, and it's still early on in the semester, but so far so good! It is a little challenging having schedules that don't really work with eachother, but we're making it work as best we can. (Even if it means me going to work about 2 hours early. HA!)

Larz! Oh my sweet larzy boy! Larz bar, larzy pars. Larz. He is getting sooo big! I can't believe how fast he went from small puppy, to almost dog like. He's still small, but his features are no longer puppy. But we still love him, and are very, very entertained by this little ball of energy. Potty training is actually going much better than I had orginally anticipated after reading that it usually takes 6 months or more, especially for male dogs. He caught on really quickly! We never had to wait super long for him to do his thing and then come in, he knows exactly why he goes outside and gets it done! We still play with him outside, and he likes to explore, but in these frigid Candian tempertatures we don't have much patience for that. So needless to say, we are veyr excited for spring and summer to come. Accidents are minimal to none now. Even when we have gone out to blake's parents house there were only POOP accidents, and even then, minimal! He doesn't really know how to tell us when he gets the urge yet, we more so just know the look he gets when he needs to , so hopefully he will figure that out soon!

Anyways, before this post gets to long thats just a brief update. I will be doing a couple more blog posts to catch you up on Christmas, New Years, and anything else I can think of that has happened. So until then enjoy some candids of our little guy.

1 comment:

  1. AHHHH! Larz! I just want to smooch his face! :) I'm glad things are going well, it's much better to be really busy than be bored! (At least for me!) So I'm glad you have your hands full, haha! We're so excited to see you guys! Can't wait! Love you!
