down to Blake's sisters graduation/grad (prom)! It was sooo exciting! It was so different from what we do in the states. We have prom a month ish before graduation, and then the actual graduation we go to a college and sit, have a program, graduate. The end! Here, they graduated the day before "grad", so they did all that, and then the NEXT day they go and have their "grad" dance!! But!! It's not just a dance..the whole family goes if they want to, because there is a banquet. We were lucky, everyone was there except Blake, (so sad he had to work! boo :( ). But they have a little program while we eat, and then they have what they call...the march (i think). It's something march..march of the grads? Either way, what happens is all the graduates, march around the gym around all the tables, family, and friends. It was really cool! What a way to be celebrated and recognized for graduation! Afterwards, everyone goes outside and gets pictures, and then after that it's off to the dance! And then...after THAT..there is an all night party! We too have an all night party after graduation day..but I thought it was crazy because ours is strictly only for the seniors, but here the whole school can go, till about 3 in the morning!
So it was really fun to take part in that experience! So graduation wasn't the only exciting event to take place that weekend. Blake's mom, brother, and I are all 3 days apart with birthdays! So this was first time actually celebrating all our birthdays together! It was really fun!! We all got really amazing gifts. Another thing I also got to do that I have never done before was go to Waterton National Park, in the Spring/Summer ish. I had been there before but in the winter..that is actually where Blake proposed to me. :) But it was sooo beautiful!! I was so sad Blake couldn't be there with me, but oh well. He's amazing for working so hard, and I am so lucky to have him as my husband. Oh! Also, it's a tradition for Blake's family to go to Calgary zoo for his brother's and mom's birthdays, and now also mine. But because Blake couldn't be with us, we're going to wait to do that a weekend in September. I'm super excited for that..because guess what?? Yep, never been! hahaha. I need to get out more.
But anyways, that's what I did this past weekend. For my actual birthday on Monday, I woke up to the most beautiful and sweet note from the hubsy. He had to work all day unfortunately, but I know he was thinking about me every minute, at least he better have been!! Just kidding. But later that night around 9:30 we went to Moxies. It was delicious, and it was very nice to get out on date with him! I love any time I can spend with that guy. He's the best.
21 has now come, and I'm so excited for this next year in my life! I'm so grateful for the families that I have, the health I have, and the wonderful life I am living. It can only keep getting better!
Enjoy some pictures of the events!
Also, it's happening. I think I'm becoming The stanley cup has opened my eyes. Boston vs Canucks... I honestly don't know who to root for. The American in me is still bitter about the Olympics... so bitterly I secretly want the Bruins to win..but then the growing Canadian in me wants to take pride in the Nucks. I have just decided that either win will be amazing, and I'm gonna choose my own hockey team to root for with this next season! Go....TEAM!! :)
Mels I love how happy your "writing voice" always is. You're so great :) I'm glad you had a great birthday! Everyone is looking good. I love Waterton so much, that's so fun you went. It's nice to have a Vivint break - especially on your birthday :) Miss and love you!