So this is going to be quite a random blog post, but oh well!! This last weekend, we went out to Blake's parents house for LDS General Conference. And I have to say, it was one of THE best conference's up to date for my lifetime of watching General Conference. Soooo good! I don't know if it's because I'm getting older and can relate more to a lot of the stuff they're talking about, or that it's because I am able to stay awake and actually pay attention. But I'm so, so excited to read the talks again. On top of the uplifting messages that we heard all weekend, it was a lot of fun just being with the family!! It was also a crazy weekend because it had snowed almost the whole time we were there! Seriously. At least it is all melting now!! It's just supposed to get warmer from here on out! So I'm very excited. I need to get rid of these winter blues, and this pale skin of mine! Oh, speaking of melting....because of the huge drifts that are created during the winters out at Blake's parents house, once they DO melt, more often then not, it will flood the basement! And, unfortunately Blake's room...well I guess my room too, got flooded majorly. So that always puts a "damper" (wahaha) on the getting warmer situation! Anyways. We once again stole the beloved family dog P.J. He was due for a much need bath and grooming, plus I just enjoy the company of a kanine companion! He honestly was like a little e-walk before we washed him and brushed him. Now, for the grooming part.....oh boy. I'm so ashamed... and if I'm ashamed over it, imagine how he feels!! I'm getting worse and worse at shaving him. Really, though it's not all completely my fault, or lack of ability to do so! It is the buzzers that I have to work with. They're absolutely horrible! I think it's his fur and how it curls and just the general texture of it....but...they either decide to cut it....or they don't. And when they decide to cut are NOT expecting it. Probably would've been smart to use a guard right? Well, we had been! But it was just not doing the job. And as a result... he shall now be named "patchy" or "baldy", or hideous. Something to that effect. No, I'm just kidding. It's really not THAT bad. Besides, the way I like to think of it is the shorter it is...the longer it will take to grow back! :) Anyways, I didn't even want to take a picture of the aftermath because I am too mad at myself for it! I'm sure he could care less..but really, I feel so bad! What I do have pictures of though is my sweetie in the middle of P.J's groom. Here it is! P.j. was giving so many kisses! It was so cute. Little do we know...he really was hating the whole thing and was only giving kisses while thinking "you are the most horrible people in the world, stop, pleeeeease." 

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