Yep. That's what I did today! First mow of the season! I actually really enjoy mowing the lawn. It's almost theraputic to me. I just love the feeling I get after it's all mowed, the feeling of making something look nice! We are still only renting a place, but I really have enjoyed having a front and back yard, and doing all the yard work. Makes it feel more like the home really is mine! I grew up mowing the lawn. It was one of my favorite ways to get a tan, go out in the middle of the afternoon on a Utah summer day. Yeah, sometimes I would come back in and be like "why the heck do I mow at the hottest time of day!! GAH!!" But it was all about the sun baby. Anyways. This is kind of a random post, but as Blake and I are getting all packed up to move up north for the summer, I found pictures of the last place we were in, and Blake and mines first place together! Well, they're kind of "pictures". I accidentally deleted the original ones I took on my camera, off my camera, and off the computer. Luckily, I had printed them out on paper! I believe I was going to send them to someone so they could see but I never got around to it. So the quality is very pixelated, and not very clear, but still. At least I have the memories captured of that basement suite. I honestly can't believe that we're already at that point in our lives again, starting to pack and leaving to work for the summer! It came back SOOO FAST!! I can not even begin to tell you how happy I am that we aren't going to New Brunswick again, or ever again for that matter. It's funny to think how fun we thought it was going to be, being clear across the country on the East coast....yeah, definately didn't expect what we found. Such as rain almost every day, and living in hotels..the WHOLE summer. Horrid. I mean, it's fun to think about now, but during that specific time, it honestly was miserable!! But I guess it makes fun memories! So yes, there is lot's to do by the end of this week. We don't actually have to be up in Edmonton until the 25th, but I really wanted to go down to Utah with Blake and see my family before summer, or else they wouldn't even see eachother again until next fall! Not okay! Plus I haven't had easter with my family for 2 years! So we're making it happen. I'm very excited. So we will be down there for about 6 days, and then drive all the way back up, have a little easter with Blake's family and then be on our way!! What I want to happen is for us to have everything we need to take with us up north all packed and ready to be loaded for when we get back before we leave to Utah this weekend. So hopefully that is possible!! It's kind of hard, because we don't really know the place that we're staying at and everything that we would need to bring such as cooking supplies, towels and other random things that you wouldn't think you would need to bring. Last summer, we took WAAAY too much. Like way. to. much. But it was our first summer doing it, and we were freakin stuck in hotels (which by the way shouldn't have been the case) so how were we supposed to know?! So I guess we will see!! Oh, some good news!!! They are FINALLY processing my paperwork!!! YAY!!! Except only kind of...right now my paperwork is on hold because they need my marriage license to be approved and notarized by a provincial authority. It makes me laugh, because that would've been SO, so very easy to do before I even sent my paperwork, copy of license included, if they would've specified it needed to be approved by the province. Like seriously, in the paperwork it just says this "include a copy of your marriage license". That's it. But oh well! We're getting that done tomorrow and then sending the copy in and then it will continue to be processed!!!!!! I can't even tell you how happy that makes me. It will seriously be a year at the end of next month since I had sent it in! Wowzers. Anyways, that's what we are up to this week! I'm excited to see what this next adventure this summer has in store for us! Now for some pictures of our cute basement suite we had last year! :) Oh, and it was a basement suite that brought all the joys of living in a basement suite.. such as: not having any hot water when the upstairs tenants would run ANY water at all, shared laundry (upstairs tenants always leaving their laundry there), you could hear every footstep, every dog bark, little girl whine, any argument, and any baby cry (a baby in which we didn't know would be born a couple months after we moved in). Over all, I kind of miss it, only because we had all our own furniture and wall decor and such. Makes it feel more like it's my own home. Where as we are living in a place now that is already all furnitured. I mean nothing is wrong with that! I just kind of miss all my stuff! And our landlords couldn't have been better! In fact they would bring us free loaves of bread every monday! I don't think we bought bread that whole year :). So here it is!