Blakes Brother and his wife!
of a face on the pumpkin!
My half, I knew he was going to be doing something crazy,
So i tried to make mine evil.. :)
The result.
So, I made chicken enchiladas and wanted to make them Halloweenish. Hence the Boo written in Olives! :) It worked for me!
All of our Pumpkins! Blake did his side first, and he did the mouth very high up on the the candles had a tough time lighting
him up! But we still loved our creation!
On Sunday, I made Dinner in a pumpkin! It was soooo good! Definately will be a tradition for us!
We got a total of 14 trick or treaters that night! Blake and I had a lot of fun passing out the candy to the cuties! Some of them..were too old to be trick or treating I think. And when we only gave them one piece each, they'd look at us like we were the worst "Halloweeners" out there. I didn't feel bad at all though, especially because we were limited on candy, and they would come in huge groups with pillowcases full of candy. They were perfectly loaded!
Anyways, next year Blake and I are hoping to hit up some party and be able to dress up! We didn't hear about any parties this year, so we just had a relaxing time at home!
Also, I've noticed a lot of people are already putting up their Christmas decorations..I absolutely am going to be jumping on that Bandwagon!!! I think once it snows a lot more people will be putting theirs up too! I can't believe it hasn't snowed yet, IN NOVEMBER!!! It's snowed in Utah multiple times already. Absolute insanity!