Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rule Book

Through out our lives, we all have experiences that shape out the type of person that we are. Some influences we let in, and others we keep out. For instance, in elementary wasn't it just the coolest to wear your hair the same way as your friends, plan out the same out fits wear them the same day, and meet at the same place on the playground every reccess?? It was even cool to have a crush on the same guy! Everyone could be friends.
Once you enter Junior high you begin to find yourself a little more as an individual, able to seperate yourself from those that are "cool" and those that are not. Cliques are formed, awkward stages come and go, and so do some different habits. (Things that you will do and things that you will not.)
By the time highschool comes, you've formed a pretty good idea of where you fit in. Everyone knows who is liking who, who dresses the best, and who just doesn't fit in.
And thus, this is why i ask the question... WHO MADE THE RULES? Just to give a little insight here are some definitions of Rule: a principle or regulation governing conduct, action, procedure, arrangement, etc. to control or direct; exercise dominating power, authority, or influence over; govern.

Don't get me wrong. Rules are good, rules have helped me become the person I am today. And I'm grateful for that. But who made the "rules" about what type of person is acceptable, and what type of person isn't? Why does everyone think there is a certain way to feel, or think?

I'll be the first to admit I have a "rule" issue. I care so much about people, and want to help them, but where I go wrong is that I try to fix their problems by telling them to fix I would fix it. I've caused myself and some others a lot of stress because of that. Now I'm on the other end of it. I find that people are trying to tell me how I SHOULD or SHOULDN'T feel about one thing or another. Trying to make me live by their "rules". I don't like it... at all. I feel like the person I am, and that I'm happy with, is wrong. This leads me to my next question.. is it selfish to want to be me?

Is it selfish to want to feel, the way I feel, without being questioned for it or feeling guilty about it, just because someone else isn't happy about it? Is it selfish to not WANT to change how you think, or feel? Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to change things about myself, I want to be a better person...who doesn't? But is it selfish to not change..if you don't think making those changes are in YOUR best interest?

I want to make everyone happy just as much as the next person, but everyone, includes me too.


  1. This post hits home with me and I really enjoyed reading it. I can relate to it very much. I have a lot of people trying to make the rules as how I should be or how my marriage should be and when I give in and try to follow them it seems as though thats when I'm not as happy or when my marriage is stressed.
    Be a rebel, ignore the rules! Imbrace who you are and flaunt it! The "rules" are meant for conformity, be an individual :) MY opinion is as long as you are happy and being the best you can be and doing the best you can do then why change.
    I love your blog and glad you got one going :)

  2. Mandy!!! Thank you sooo much!!! That's something i really, really needed to hear!! Thank you so much!!
