Since being married I've had to cut back on what I spend on getting my hair done. As much as I don't think I can survive if I don't color my roots as soon as I see them, I always do. In fact, I've been surviving WITH roots for the past 3 months!!
I also have a hard time trusting people with my hair. I've had some pretty bad experiences. I miss my hairstylist back home sooo much! Not only does she make what seems to be an impossible head-of-hair look amazing, it's just SUCH a therapy to be able to sit there, chat, and leave looking amazing.
So, for a healthy head of hair you're only supposed to color it every 6 months right? Well, this works out perfectly...I only go to Utah about that much! And luckily, my hair grows sooo slow so it needs about that much time before it needs a good trim.
Well, it's about that time again. A week from today I'm leaving to Utah and at the top of my list of things to do, you will find "Get New Hair".
Yep folks, I'm cutting AND coloring. I already have found a style, but what I need your opinions on are what color to go. I've been brown, blonde, red, red/brown, brown/blonde, blonde/red, brown/blonde/red. You name it, I've done it.. well kind of. I always stay with the comfortable warm colors, when I go blonde, its not BRIGHT blonde, its sandy blonde. When I go brown, I go light brown, not CHOCOLATE brown. So..people... I need change. Right now I'm gold/red/blonde/brown. Keep in mind its very faded.
So do I go BRIGHT blonde, or DRASTIC dark, (usually when I go that dark, I always get a red tint to it, but everyone is doing that color now so thats out) What should I do??
P.s. Blake wants Blonde..but...I'm really..not so sure how I would like that.
P.s.s If you want to know my hair type : Thin and Fine.