Thursday, July 15, 2010

Destination? Anywhere...Kind of.

So, for the past week I have been in Utah!!! Yes!!! I finally am here, after almost ANOTHER whole 6 months have gone by of not seeing my family. I will be here for about a month, and I know I will love every minute of it. For the most part.

So my flight was at 6:30 in the morning, New Brunswick time, so in reality I was leaving to go to Utah, before anyone in Utah had even gone to bed!!! Blake and I didn't even end up sleeping that night, because we only would've gotten 2 hours worth, which would have made us both more least we thought. My sweet, sweet hubby, drove me allll the way (10 min) to the Moncton airport. It was then 4:30 in the morning.

He walked me in, figured out tickets, and where I should go. I was very anxious, Im not too fond of traveling by myself. And I definately wasn't used to a small airport..even though that should've made things better, I didn't like that everyone in the whole airport could see me..and maybe figure out my plans?? (jokes) But really. Also, everyone was speaking French...they'd immediately switch to english once they said a whole phrase, or who knows maybe two, of french and I would simply reply "Hi, how's it going." :)

Blake watched me go through security, which is the part that makes me the most nervous. Not because I'm scared they will find anything, because of course ..they wouldn't, but it's the part where you have to walk through the metal detectors..does anyone else get nervous that it's going to beep simply because of a bobby pin or something? I purposely didn't wear a belt that day because I don't like forgetting to do things like that.
Anyways, I look back after successfully completing the security, and through the metal detector, I see his face. Smiling..and yep, I star to BAWL!!!! I've left him before, but I'm telling you, it get's harder everytime!!! I blew him a kiss goodbye, and he blew one back. And that was that. ( A few minutes later he texted me that I did a good job, *presh*)

After many, many, hours, and some close calls, such as almost missing a flight because they didn't give me a pen to fill out the declaration card, and the customs line being FOREVER weaved back and forth across the floor, I made it to Utah!!!

Much to my family was in fact NOT waiting at the bottom of the escalator like I had expected..did I get a little teary eyed? Maybe. Did I go to the wrong terminal? Yep. But eventually I did find the white haired man with a salt and peppered goatee waiting by my luggage. Yes, this was my father!!! My mother, sister, and adorable nephew were also there, waiting in the car outside. I was living the life.

Utah has been amazing so far. Just like I remembered it, minus all the new developments right next to my house, and the new church we go to! I have just been soaking everything in again. I have loved seeing a Church on every block again. It's a nice change from driving down the road for 10 minutes wondering when the Church was finally going to appear. It's also been so nice to see the temples up on the hills, in the city, and everywhere else!! I love to see the temple. Really.

I miss my husband terribly, but he is such a good man for letting me have what I so desperately needed. 2 of my best girlfriends are getting married this summer. One I can go to, the other I can't because of another wedding I must attend with my hubby. (his brothers). I've been spending so much time with the one I can't attend, and it has been wonderful. I love that the bonds that you can share with some people are so strong, that they will always be there, no matter where you have been, or how long you've been there, when you find a way back, it is the same. I still get sad thinking about how I'm going to miss what we grew up talking about, but I know where I need to be, and that's right next to my hubby!

So, my life is pretty much all fun and games right now. I'm having much needed mother/daughter, sister/sister, and time with my girls. Blake is the BEST husband anyone could have, and that I am lucky enough TO have. He works so hard so that we can be comfortable financially, and takes care of me in a inumerable amount of ways. Including sending me off to see my family and friends for month. After this trip I'm hoping to come back refreshed and ready for the next adventure that Blake and I will have.

We've been married for 11 months yesterday.

:) Bring on eternity!!!