Alright! So I'm back again! Life is going fairly well. Really busy. And I'll tell you why.
So that July 1st weekend, Blake was given the opportunity to go down to Utah and do a training for 5 weeks. We had to decide within the next couple days if it was what we were going to do. That doesn't get a lot of time, especially when it is such a big plan changer! Well, we both prayed about it and felt good with our decision so we decided to go for it.
What is the training for? Well, Costa Vida (a very good mexican food franchise in Utah) is being brought up to Canada. And they are needing to train people to manage them! So Blake is going to Manage the Costa Vida that will be coming to Lethbridge. I'm so excited for it! But a little nervous. There is absolutely NO mexican food up here, especially something like that! People have no idea what it even is unless they have been to Utah and eaten there before. But I really think it's going to do really well! How can it not?! I especially love that it will be like having a little piece of home coming up to Canada for me :). It's so weird Blake isn't going back to school this year!!! But I think we both love it. :) We'll see how much I love it when he is gone all the time for work though ;).
So the following week Blake had to pack up and leave for five weeks! I really would've loved to go with him FIVE weeks would've been heaven for me in Utah. But I had work so I had to stay. So Larz and I had a lot of alone time together. It was fun. But oh boy was it a lot of work balancing a job and taking care of a little doggy! I loved it though.
Blake's training ended up being extended an extra 3 weeks, but luckily he got a week off inbetween and boy was that a CRAZY crazy week. Poor guy got home just to pack everything up again. Didn't we just do that? Yes we did. Blake was pretty much gone the whole two months that we had to stay in this little basement suite! We didn't even bother to unpack anything except for our clothes and some food because it just made everything easier in the long run!
So while he was gone it was pretty big roller coaster ride. Because I had been told that we were going to be moving to Red Deer to manage the store there. Red Deer? Driven through it never been there. Everyone told me it was a nasty rig town and thought we were crazy for moving up there! So I actually had put in my two weeks and was gonna be transferred to the store up there etc. It was crazy, but luckily that didn't happen and they were willing to keep me here in lethbridge. Reasoning? Well, the Lethbridge Costa is opening before Red Deer so why would we leave?!
So everything is good! Blake is once again at an event for work! In Toronto! So jealous. It's like the New York of Canada pretty much. Unfortunately it was all work and no play, but he has been sending me pictures so at least he gets to see it! We are gonna plan a road trip out there one day so I too can see! Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention they drove out there!!! 3 Days straight there, and now they are on their way back as I speak! :) Can't wait.
So other than that you're pretty much up to date! I can't believe I have almost been working at this job for a year now! And that also means we've almost had our sweet larzy boy for a year as well! AHHHH! It's gone by so fast. He's so big. But we love him so much! He's so fun. Anyways! I will write again when some other exciting stuff happens, but until then life is good! :)
Larz' favorite spot! One day I put him in the window just to see how he'd like he can't NOT be in the window. It's his favorite spot. Even at night he want's to be in there! I don't get it.
I was laughing so much at Larz, He LOVES baths! He always tries to get into the shower when Blake and I are showering! But this picture was so funny, it was after he was all done and he just had the biggest bulldog face I've ever seen him do! ha! Love kissing that face!