Well, it has been a while! Oops! I can't believe the last thing I blogged about was my birthday...that was literally months ago!
Last you knew we were in Edmonton. Well, a couple weeks after that we took an opportunity to go to Saskatoon and switch back to installing the security systems instead of selling them. I also got my FIRST JOB EVER since being in Canada. It was completely official and everything..because I have my work permit..and now a SIN! (Social Insurance Number). Everything worked out exactly how it was supposed to I think. I got to be the Office Assistant for the Vivint. Saskatoon office. It was actually really laid back for the most part.
Blake and I really enjoyed Saskatoon! Saskatoon is in the province Saskatchewan, which is stereotyped to be very grassy, spacious, and ..boring. I'm most of it is, but Saskatoon is absolutely beautiful. Very, very green and there is a whole river that goes through the city. We loved it. The apartments weren't half bad, although when we got there it was COMPLETELY disgusting..like the DIRTIEST thing I had ever seen. Just garbage and old food everything, toilet paper (used) all over the bathroom! Soooo gross! We were like REEEALLY? But after we cleaned it all up and unpacked our stuff it was quite enjoyable. Unfortunately, I didn't take ANY pictures of the Apartment we stayed at..or of Saskatoon at all. I completely slacked this summer. I guess that's what happens when you are working.
Another awesome part about going to Saskatoon is Blake's cousin was his "Head Tech" basically the manager of the techs. It was so fun! There was also another guy there that was with us last year in New Brunswick, so it was like having the gang back together again. In fact, we all became even closer this summer, while adding even more friendships onto it! I was really happy. I had a lot of fun. I hung out with the boys because more often than not Blake would ALWAYS get the late install, and I HATED being alone all evening.
Unlike last summer, it was sooo warm! I'm sad because I honestly didn't take advantage of that at all. I was outside way more than last summer though. I was also able to make more friendships with the other wives! Last year I only had one other wife to keep me sane (You know who you are! Love you!) but this year there was a whole group, and I know I have made some lasting friendships. So I was getting out sooo much more, going shopping, going to spray parks, bbqs, and just having work to go to each day really helped me look forward to what this fall is going to be like.
So Blake and I got home a few weeks ago. The end of the Summer season ended Aug 27th, but we had to leave the Monday before that so Blake could take a test for school! School..I can't believe it's already here..and this year Blake does not have to work AT ALL. So he can focus completely on his studies. I'm so so happy about that. You really don't realize how much of a load it is to work and go to school, so I'm grateful I can now help lighten his load by being able to work.
4 hours into the drive home we realized we had forgotten a suitecase..all of Blakes clothing was in it! The funny thing about this is we had BOTH checked the room it was in and had both said "Yep! We got everything!" And on the way home I was just like "Wow Blake! We can actually see out the back window this time! You did a really good job packing. I really can't believe how much less it seems like we have packed." That was like right when we left. Then later Blake was like "Did you happen to see me pack in the Black suitcase?" .....Uh oh... I frantically looked through everything in the back...yep. We had definitely forgotten it. I was so stressed! I really tried to get Blake to turn around but he wouldn't, but at this point..we both wish we would have. Wanna know why? Well, we didn't realize we had forgotten the bathroom bag until few days later when we were unloading the car. The bathroom bag contained: All my make-up, hair products, shampoo, blake's razor charger, BOTH my pairs of glasses, and my retainer. All that is quite expensive. We asked our buddies that were still there to search for it but it was gone. What we wanna know is who takes personal stuff like that, and doesn't think to give it to someone who can find it's owner..or put it in an area where maybe the person that was looking for it could find it??
So we get the joy of replacing all of that stuff! Wahoo! Good thing we made some decent money this Summer! We had another week before school started that we were planning on going to Utah, but turns out Blake's passport had expired earlier that month. It was so disappointing! I couldn't believe I had forgotten about that. So that is also another thing we need to get taken care of so we can get down there ASAP before the winter starts up here.
Anyways, that's pretty much an update! We are back in the same house we were in last year! Yes, a whole house to ourselves for an amazing price. Blake is going to school full time, and is starting his pre-dental. And this week I will be on the hunt! For a job. So we have lot's to do! We are both really looking forward to this fall and everything that is in store for us for the rest of the year 2011.