So the Schnoor's really haven't been up to much this last month! For Valentines Day, we didn't do anything too crazy! Even though I always love an excuse to give gifts, I had to hold back this year! But that's okay, because we have a lot more Valentines to come! I just got Blake a little gift, and then had planned a yummy CHOCOLATEY breakfast! I had been planning this for at least two months, and was craving it sooo much. And boy, did it satisfy. Especially since Blake and I have been on this new workout routine, we are limited in what we can eat, or more so what we SHOULD be eating. Soooo good!! Holiday's are also a good excuse to not be as strict with eating! Yay! So it was just a chocolate waffle (tasted like a brownie though) with a berry sauce, and whipped cream.
I'm so grateful for my hubby and how hard he works for us! I know it hasn't been an easy road, with me not being able to work, but he always kept a good attitude and has SOMEHOW able to spend a lot of time with me, even when he was completeley worn out! You may think that's dumb, "of course he had time for you, you live together." But what I'm saying is...I'm a 20 yr old girl that is kept up in a house all day...we only have one car...and the weather is brutal during the winter so I can't exactly walk anywhere. So yeah, I guess I could say I'm pretty attention hungry, with lot's of energy built up to just DO something, or GO somewhere. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy, and Blake would agree. But that's why I love him. He's so good to me! And I couldn't be happier.
But speaking of not being able to go anywhere, do anything, and all that stuff. It's been 9 months since my paperwork has been in. And guess what? The processing times are 9-10 months. So guess what that means? ANY DAY NOW!!! Except, not exactly. We recently had called immigration about this matter. And just my WORK PERMIT will be coming (hopefully) within the next month. Seriously, as much as I want to be mad that not all of my paperwork will be done, it's a work permit. That's honestly all I need right now. And have wanted for a long time!! So, yes people, I will be able to work in this country FINALLY, within the next month!!! Fingers crossed!!
Anyways, so for reading week this year we went to Edmonton and stayed with Blakes Aunt and Uncle, and all of their kids that live up there. Oh, that reminds me! We had gone up a couple weeks before, to go to their new baby's blessing! He is a miracle baby, so it was such a good experience, and we are so happy that he has joined our family! But yes! I was a little upset that we weren't going to Utah during reading week, which is what we have done the past couple of years. It's basically spring break for canada, and basically the only long break that we can take to go visit my family before we do the APX (Now VIVINT.) thing for the summer, so I was a little bummed, but ended up having a lot of fun! We're just going to have to take some time to go down before Blake leaves for the summer.
Edmonton is actually a really beautiful city. It reminds me a lot of Utah, and honestly if I have to live in Canada the rest of my life, I'd want to live there. It's a city, so there a lots of people, and the neighborhoods are big, not village like, like most of southern alberta. There's nothing wrong with villages, I just like more people, more neighbors, and convieniant shopping! But, something Edmonton is probably most famous for (besides the Oilers) is the Mall. It's the biggest in North America, and it really is..huge. I was exhausted just walking through it the first time. Most of the stores in there are for ..what I would call "upper class" people. Okay, not even that...mostly just stores for people that can actually afford it. Which definately would be us newly weds, with one of them still trying to immigrate. So it was still fun to walk through, even though we didn't shop! There is a huge water park, and when I'm in shape, I definately plan to attend. It has a wave pool and tons of slides. It even has a bungee jump, that goes into the pool! There is also a little amusement park, I hear it's the biggest indoor amusement park. Blake's parents paid for all of us kids to go, and it was really so fun!

Anyways, after Edmonton (we were only there for 2 days) we spent the rest of the week out at Blake's parents house. It was a lot of fun! We FINALLY even got to go see the girls cheer at one of their highschool games! It was awesome. Even if the game was a bore, the halftime show rocked it!
Blake took me out on a date on Friday, we went out to this place called Kind of Trade (basically, you just trade in a bunch of your old stuff there and get some money for it) and looked through all their videos and found a couple to watch that night! After, we went to the pet store (whenever I go out on the town I HAVE to stop there) and got to look at all the animals! I was dissapointed...there were hardly any puppies. Boo!! But oh well. We still got to look at all the fish, and creepy crawlers , and little furries! I have seriously been considering getting a Black Bear Hamster. We'll see. I want cuddles..I don't think those really do that. And after that we went to a food place we had been wanting to go for a while. We've heard nothing but good things about it, "Five Guys, Burgers and Fries". And it did not dissapoint. Now we know to go with the "little burger" though. I think that place would be absolute killer, if it offered shakes too! Those fries would be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G with a milk shake! Hopefully they will do that soon. Maybe I should suggest it? After that, we came home and just watched both the movies! An all night cuddle fest! Yes, please.
Anyways. That's just what we have been up to for the past month! Also...I just have to brag a little bit. I made the best dinner ever tonight. Baked Salmon with a maple glaze, with rice (cooked in chicken broth), and asparagus with cheese sauce. It was sooo good!!!
It probably doesn't look appetizing to you..but trust me it was good. And I didn't have much to work with for the rice. Also, that pink plate isn't mine. It belongs to the people's house we're staying in. I wouldn't personally buy those plates. But yes. Delish.
That's all for now. Oh, and p.s. I like that I started the blog with "we haven't been up to much", and then wrote ...a lot. ha. :)