Last weekend Blake and I were able to go to Utah for his mission reunion, conference, and mostly to visit my family!
We left Thursday, a day earlier then I had planned, and stayed till Tuesday, which was a day later then I had planned as well! As short of a trip that it was, it was all very worth it.
Last year I only got to see my family every 6 months! I was not going to do that again. This year of course was going to be a little different, we aren't settling in anymore, and we learned that Blake being the only one able to work, and going to school is not good. So we lightened the load with Blake only taking 2 classes, and not working as many shifts that are as long or late! So we have a lot more time to travel, plus we don't have his WONDERFUL grant anymore, unfortunately, so he can afford to miss some school!
We didn't do much while we were down there. My main focus was to get Blake to be an Uncle. He is an uncle you know. Sometimes we both forget he is an Uncle, because he hasn't been around Robert enough to feel like he is! We got to do a lot of catching up! We of course, hit up Cafe Rio while we were down there as well!

Blake with Rusty, my dog that I've had since 6th grade.
Unfortunately, I didn't get hardly any pictures..I should be better about that. Next time we go down I will snap a lot of pictures.

This is Blake with one of his Mission Presidents. President Barrett. I absolutely loved meeting them, they were both very sweet!
This past weekend, was Canadian thanksgiving! I LOVE being able to have 2 thanksgivings in a year!! One right after the other, and then following them Christmas. It makes fall the absolute best season of the year! Now, the actual Holiday is on monday, but we always will be doing the dinner on Saturday so that we can have monday to play, instead of everyone eating and then heading back to their homes.
I went out a couple days early to help Mama Schnoor with the meal. I made pumpkin pies last year, and they were a pretty big success, so I decided I would make them again, along with one of my holiday favorites Candied Yams. Emily was there a day after me, and all 3 of us were in the kitchen all day long! It was a lot of fun.
I'm grateful for the opportunities that I have to really practice my homemaking skills. This year Mama Schnoor fed 20 people!!! I couldn't even believe it! But I can't wait until I have my own family, and am feeding that many people! It's weird to think that in a few years, Mama and Papa Schnoor and my parents, will no longer be the ones feeding their kids, but we will be feeding them!!! So exciting!!!
I love the holidays that we are able to reflect on the things we are grateful for, and the ones that have meaning behind them. I also love that it brings everyone that we love together!
Anyways, once again I did not get any pictures of the year I will for sure. The amount of food is Unbelievable. We devoured a 24 lb turkey if that gives you any idea! My favorite part......leftovers!
That's what we have been up to!
P.s. I got my Winnie the Pooh halloween town out of storage and am SOOO excited to set that up. Blake has also agreed to let me spend 10 dollars on dollar store halloween decorations.. :) its all we can afford! Love it.
We left Thursday, a day earlier then I had planned, and stayed till Tuesday, which was a day later then I had planned as well! As short of a trip that it was, it was all very worth it.
Last year I only got to see my family every 6 months! I was not going to do that again. This year of course was going to be a little different, we aren't settling in anymore, and we learned that Blake being the only one able to work, and going to school is not good. So we lightened the load with Blake only taking 2 classes, and not working as many shifts that are as long or late! So we have a lot more time to travel, plus we don't have his WONDERFUL grant anymore, unfortunately, so he can afford to miss some school!
We didn't do much while we were down there. My main focus was to get Blake to be an Uncle. He is an uncle you know. Sometimes we both forget he is an Uncle, because he hasn't been around Robert enough to feel like he is! We got to do a lot of catching up! We of course, hit up Cafe Rio while we were down there as well!
Blake with Rusty, my dog that I've had since 6th grade.
Unfortunately, I didn't get hardly any pictures..I should be better about that. Next time we go down I will snap a lot of pictures.
This is Blake with one of his Mission Presidents. President Barrett. I absolutely loved meeting them, they were both very sweet!
This past weekend, was Canadian thanksgiving! I LOVE being able to have 2 thanksgivings in a year!! One right after the other, and then following them Christmas. It makes fall the absolute best season of the year! Now, the actual Holiday is on monday, but we always will be doing the dinner on Saturday so that we can have monday to play, instead of everyone eating and then heading back to their homes.
I went out a couple days early to help Mama Schnoor with the meal. I made pumpkin pies last year, and they were a pretty big success, so I decided I would make them again, along with one of my holiday favorites Candied Yams. Emily was there a day after me, and all 3 of us were in the kitchen all day long! It was a lot of fun.
I'm grateful for the opportunities that I have to really practice my homemaking skills. This year Mama Schnoor fed 20 people!!! I couldn't even believe it! But I can't wait until I have my own family, and am feeding that many people! It's weird to think that in a few years, Mama and Papa Schnoor and my parents, will no longer be the ones feeding their kids, but we will be feeding them!!! So exciting!!!
I love the holidays that we are able to reflect on the things we are grateful for, and the ones that have meaning behind them. I also love that it brings everyone that we love together!
Anyways, once again I did not get any pictures of the year I will for sure. The amount of food is Unbelievable. We devoured a 24 lb turkey if that gives you any idea! My favorite part......leftovers!
That's what we have been up to!
P.s. I got my Winnie the Pooh halloween town out of storage and am SOOO excited to set that up. Blake has also agreed to let me spend 10 dollars on dollar store halloween decorations.. :) its all we can afford! Love it.